Pre-Order There’s That Sun Again today and get a copy Signed and Personalized by Julie Benbassat. Plus a sheet of specially designed stickers while supplies last!

Children’s Book World is delighted that illustrator Julie Benbassat has offered to sign and personalize pre-orders of her beautiful new book There’s That Sun Again. Julie will include a special sheet of her stickers with each pre-order we receive before October 8, 2024!  

Join us as we celebrate a book launch with Julie Benbassat!   Her glorious illustrations make this new picture book a delight.  She will be at Children’s Book World to sign and personalize her book on Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30pm.  

About Julie Benbassat

Julie Benbassat is an illustrator based in Philadelphia. After graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2019, she has gone on to amass a range of clients in editorial, publishing, games, and animation.  Her work delights in the eccentricities and wonders of the natural world, indulges in the fantastical, mixes narrative and portraiture, and highlights the bridge between the cute and the horrific. In spare moments, she relishes reading sassy nonfiction, plein air painting on cloudy days, and watching bad (but good) horror movies.

About There’s That Sun Again

For the holidays, birthdays, graduations, for every day: a resonant celebration of the joys and challenges of growing up . .  and life itself.

There’s That Sun Again is a beginner’s guide to the rhythm of life. Follow two children through one extraordinary, ordinary school day. They swing from sunbeams, bathe in crashing waves of noise and tide pools of quiet, fall down, get up, and walk home on air, band aids on elbows, ready for rest in loving family’s arms.

Each high—the beautiful sun—meets with a low—its unbearable heat—which is followed by something else entirely different—rain!—that makes each piece of the day feel like an important part of the same puzzle. Across the course of the book, these two children will find each other, and rescue each other, again and again. 

Being a child can feel like being buffeted along by a huge force out of your control. At any moment, something incredible could happen—but so could something scary, or sad, or hard—and everything is always changing. Learning to cope means learning the cycles, the things you can depend on. This book illuminates that cycle, showing that every day has its ups and downs and back agains—and empowers readers to meet this emotional turbulence with strength, self-knowledge, and wonder. 

Mk Smith Despres’s effortlessly poetic text soars and dips, capturing bliss, sorrow, calm and uncertainty with a crystal-clear lens. Julie Benbassat’s artwork is nothing short of unforgettable. There’s That Sun Again is cut from the best cloth of fantasy: the kind whose magic reflects the world exactly as it feels.