My Pet Wants a Pet (hardcover)-Elise Broach (Wallingford)


A little boy wants something to take care of — something of his very own. He begs and he begs and he begs his mother, until — what do you know? She says YES. So the boy gets a puppy, and they have such a wonderful time together that before long, the puppy too wants a pet… and then his pet wants a pet, and so on and so on until HELP! How many pets are too many?


A little boy wants something to take care of — something of his very own. He begs and he begs and he begs his mother, until — what do you know? She says YES. So the boy gets a puppy, and they have such a wonderful time together that before long, the puppy too wants a pet… and then his pet wants a pet, and so on and so on until HELP! How many pets are too many?