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Uniquely You autographed by the authors
Ava Trachtenberg and Olivia Trachtenberg

Uniquely You
Ava Trachtenberg, Olivia Trachtenberg,
Elyse Sitner Barroway, Erinn Sitner Salaman

Ava and Olivia Trachtenberg were born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Teaming up to write this book with Elyse and Erinn has been a fulilling experience bringing insight and perspective about being a twin. Ava and Olivia have been able to bring their unique experiences with them and hope to help other twins navigate their journey towards finding their own identity.
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Elyse Sitner Barroway and Erinn Sitner Salaman both graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and worked in Finance before raising their children. They always dreamed of writing a children’s book and who better to write about writing a book about twins but twins. They hope that everyone who reads this book will recognize the importance of being true to themselves.
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About Uniquely You

In this charming book, our voices come together to share the trials and tribulations of twinship. The search for individuality is especially important for twins, but it is a message that is meaningful for all children. This book depicts that search in a delightful way and the importance of being Uniquely You.